Thornhill Village Festival Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this brief survey. We want to hear your feedback about how we can make the Thornhill Village Festival an even more successful event!

No personal information will be requested in this survey, and the comments received will only be used by the Festival Committee to improve future events. Your name and email address are not required in this survey.

This page allows you to highlight fields and fill in comments spaces which can then be submitted to our web server online. If you would be more comfortable submitting your survey through the mail, please print this survey and mail it to the enclosed address.

Where is your place of residence?
Thornhill resident
Resident from outside Thornhill

How far do you travel to get to the Festival?
Less than 5 kilometers
5 - 10 kilometers
11 - 20 kilometers
21 - 40 kilometers
41 - 50 kilometers
51 - 100 kilometers
Over 100 kilometers

How did you hear about the Thornhill Festival?
Our website
Another website - Please specify
Another person
Festival Brochure
Festival street signs / banner
Ontario Festivals magazine
Other - Please specify

Tell us about yourself
Under 16
16 - 25
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 and over

When was the last time you came to the Festival?
Over 5 Years ago

What is your favourite event, activity, or component of the Thornhill Village Festival?
Please specify

What events, activities or components would you like to see at the Thornhill Village Festival?
Please specify any names or groups and their contact information / websites if you can.

Is there any aspect of the Festival that you did not like?
Please explain

Based on this years experience, would you attend the Festival next year?

General Comments:

Would you be interested in volunteering for the Thornhill Village Festival?

Do you wish to receive a reply regarding your comments ??

If you answered YES to either or both questions, please enter your contact information below. Thank you.

Contact Information:
Your name: Optional

Your email address: Optional

Your phone number: Optional

Thank you for your comments.